Industry Advisors
Industry Skills Advisors
Industry Skills Advisory (ISA) roles align with Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs priorities, which include delivering an expanded focus inclusive of employment, small business and regional skills needs.
Industry Skills Advisors (ISAs) engage with employers, small business and industry stakeholders to provide high quality, evidence-based industry advice and intelligence about current and emerging industry direction, regional skills needs and training solutions, jobs growth and employment opportunities. This advice will:
- Inform and align our training and skills priorities and decision-making, including program design and investment settings
- Support and connect with our industry engagement framework priorities including the work of departmental regional officers, Regional Jobs Committees, Jobs Queensland and the Ministerial Skills Roundtable
- Inform and contribute to national vocational education and training (VET) reform agendas and the review and development of training package product
- Support employer, small business and industry's connection and engagement with VET and VET pathways and our programs, initiatives, and events.
Contact an Industry Skills Advisor Here
Industry Workforce Advisors
Industry Workforce Advisors have been established under the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032 to help employers:
- identify solutions to workforce challenges
- connect with relevant Queensland programs and funding, industry-based initiatives and grant funding, and Australian Government wage subsidies and employer incentives.
The Industry Workforce Advisor program aims to provide workforce planning assistance to employers in small and medium sized businesses, enabling them to address workforce challenges, diversify their workforces, and support workforce growth. This may include identifying recruitment strategies to expand applicant pools and considering underrepresented groups in our community. Maximising workforce participation enables employers to draw on a larger talent pool. By increasing participation and leveraging the existing skills, experience and qualifications of all Queenslanders, we can build a stronger, more capable workforce.
Industry Workforce Advisors work directly with individual employers to:
- identify workforce challenges, develop a workforce plan and suggest options to address the challenges including accessing grants and incentives
- refer small businesses to the Workforce Connect Fund for new and innovative human resource (HR) solutions
- assist employers to develop strategies to recruit and attract people for their workforce, including from diverse groups, and other potential labour supply (e.g. skilled migration)
- connect employers with the department's programs including grants and initiatives, this Business Queensland website's information and Australian Government programs and incentives.