Employer Resources
Curated for employers in the Cairns Reion to help you easily access relevant jobs programs and initiatives, workforce planning tools, plus business and region information to help attract and retain employees.
State Government Programs
Skilling Queenslanders for Work
- Community Work Skills assists disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications up to a certificate III level.
- Work Skills Traineeships funds paid work placements on community, public works and environmental projects for up to six months.
- Get Set for Work provides intensive employment and training assistance over a 12 month period to young, disengaged Queenslanders aged 15-19.
- Ready for Work assists disadvantaged Queenslanders to transition into the workforce by providing 6-8 week courses focused on job search assistance and training.
- Youth Skills provides nationally recognised training and employment support to 15-24 year olds who are engaged with Youth Justice Services or Queensland Corrective Services.
- Community Foundation Skills assists disadvantaged Queenslanders with low level language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills to gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to participate successfully in a modern knowledge economy.
- Skill Up provides assistance to adults 25 years and older to upskill or reskill in entry level positions in high priority industries to maximise existing and future job opportunities.
Gateway to Industry Schools Program
- Advanced manufacturing : Cairns State High School, Trinity Bay State High School
- Aerospace : Atherton State High School, Cairns State High School
- Agribusiness : Mareeba State High School, Whitfield State School, Gordonvale State High School, Malanda State High School, Herberton State High School
- Building and construction
- Community services
- Tourism and hospitality : St Mary's Catholic College, St Andrew's Catholic College
- Health : Bentley Park College
- Information and communication technology : Bentley Park College, Cairns State High School
- Minerals and energy
- Screen and media : Cairns State High School
Regional School Industry Partnership Project (RSIP)
The RSIP program aims to strengthen school-industry partnerships and support school-to-work transitions that respond to local skills and industry needs and contribute to the government priorities and strategies for building Queensland's workforce. Get in touch with the FNQ Manager michael.goodrich@qed.qld.gov.au and see how your business can increase awareness of and participation in - your industry.
Federal Government Programs & Initiatives
Work Experience
Higher Level Apprenticehips Pilot
The Pilot offers the opportunity for industry to employ Engineering Technicians to be trained under a traineeship model subsidised by the Queensland Government.
Micro-credentialing Pilots Program
Micro-credentialing Pilots Program will be implemented in 3 streams over 3 years (2019–22). The program provides an opportunity to support changing workplaces by enabling the provision of focused training for new or transitioning employees in specific skills to better support businesses and industries to adopt innovations and improve productivity.
Workplace Diversity
Welcoming Refugees into your workplace
Workforce Tools
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Queensland Dept of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
Small Business Financial Counsellors